The Results Are In: Ice Shaker Crushes The Competition
Ice Shaker goes head to head with Yeti and Blender Bottle to see which bottle has the best insulation. Guess who wins? 😊
The Test
We randomly received an email from a customer that said"tested and Ice Shaker won". We had no idea what it meant so we clicked into an email that we were extremely happy to open.
The customer - Shannon - purchased our bottle and two of our top competitors (Yeti and Blender Bottle) to test to see who's bottle had the best insulation.
She filled all three bottles with the same exact volume of ice, which is key for true test results. She put all the bottles next to each other in the direct sunlight starting at 7:55am (as seen in the image) and waited.
The race is on!
Shannon periodically tested the bottles. She captured this image at 3:01pm. At this point you could already start to tell that one bottle was doing a much better job of holding ice.
In fact, the Yeti cup was really struggling to hold on. The temperatures were now at 84 degrees and the bottles were in the direct sunlight.